I received my second quarter email from Glenn Shepard on where I am with my 2009 Goals & Resolutions. This is what I submitted to him on where I stand on my goals for the year (review blog entry on 1/1/2009 for goals set & 1st quarter update on 4/1/2009):
1. 100% of this goal to be debt free will be met this week, with final payment 07.10.2009!
2. no further progress made on this...Help!
3. 0% progress: have not found exercise routine yet that works with my schedule which is still the same as last quarter...downright grueling and crazy!
4. a bit more progress, rented some books to try to get ideas on time management, but still desire to excel in this even more so I will be more productive
5. still trying to learn...think I have got more of an idea on why I try to be this way, but still trying to master not being that...so probably about the same as last quarter
THANK you yet again Glenn for your encouragement!