I know you feel alone
but if you let yourself,
You can give your heart
a home.
I know you feel alone
but if you'd just open it,
You'd find
love is the key that will fit.
I know you feel alone
but if you would trust you really aren't,
The lies staring you in the mirror
would truly completely disappear.
I know you feel alone
but you weren't designed to be,
If you'd let go of the fear
you will find you don't have to run and flee.
I know you feel alone
and you've experienced such extreme pain,
Yet if you let go of expectations
you'd experience so much gain.
I know you feel alone
and you've had to battle for survival,
But if you let your walls down
you'd like more of your tomorrow's.
I know you feel alone
but I promise this is a choice,
For you can say I LOVE YOU
in your own special voice.
I know you feel alone
as you fight to figure this out,
Please don't forget those who truly care
as they help you to focus on just being there.
I know you feel alone
but this isn't something new,
Just like everything else in life
there are things to help you through.
© Misty W Gilbert
#Poems #AuthorLife #MistyWGilbert #TheSassyVoice #Alone #IKnowYouFeelAlone #CreateTheLifeYouWant #LiveIntentionally #ThePowerOfChoice