many of you knew of my request for prayers for my brother Terry about two months ago when I said that I knew something was wrong as I was not getting responses from him via text message and all calls were going straight to voicemail.
I received an call from him Sunday night (two nights ago) after I was in bed and asleep. The voicemail said he was sorry that he had not talked to me in quite some time, he has been restricted to make non-business phone calls on his cell phone before 8am and after 5pm per my parents instructions. They are trying to "prepare him for the working environment". [Ummm...let me refrain from comment.] The voicemail didn't explain the nearly eight week lapse in communication. With a two hour time zone difference and the above information, I wasn't able to return the phone call until last night. He broke down in tears, said he missed me and really appreciates me. The drama story condensed into the pertinent facts is a domestic verbal incident occurred between my mom and brother, a request was made for him to move out in 15 days, fear and other feelings overtook my brother, mom called 911 because of the confused state Terry was in, he was taken to the hospital and went thru the process of evaluation for suicide, drug overdose, therapy, counseling, and rehab services. All of this is familiar territory for him and in this case all was negative and paranoia on behalf of my mom. After 6 weeks of this treatment, he is back home and things are calm as of this moment, according to my brothers account. Please continue to be in prayer for all parties.
It would have been nice to have received a general explanation when I attempted weeks ago to obtain a status update of the situation instead of being told that this information would not be discussed with me. I truly do have a heart and truly do love and care for Terry to succeed in spite of his continued behavior disturbances and set backs. I pray that some day Terry will see that He has the power through God to be a different person. May God continue to give me wisdom and strength to deal with my ongoing family drama.