I have been walking every morning (or nearly every morning) at a local track. It is one of the things I do first thing after getting up. I aim to walk 1.5 - 3 miles, depending on time, energy and inspiration, but generally walk 2 miles. I started this routine back in May when I realized that I needed more exercise and was trying to help with some fatigue and insomnia that has lasted far too long. The efforts have paid off, according to the weigh in at my doctor's office on Monday, I have lost 16 pounds since then! Though I don't feel or to me look like I have lost that much, I am grateful for the fact that I have and I hope to add some more cardio routines if possible. So if you don't think you can do something, don't have the time, energy or money...go for a walk. Walking pays off! 2 miles takes me 25 minutes.
What form of exercise do you do?