Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 3 Video Challenge

Here we go...Day 3 of my Video Challenge.  

I share today that we all have fears and many times we ask ourselves questions like "What If?".  Many times we spend so much time thinking about the "What If's" that if we think we will encounter if we try to face our fears vs what would happen if we just launched into it without thinking.  We just might get to experience something different!  [Like Frito Pie.]  I share how I am working on inviting myself to join you, dropping over to your place, enjoying my friendship with you because you are my friend.  I love to be with my friends, but actually initiating this is hard for me.  I am facing my fears and doing what is uncomfortable and today I share with you current ways I am living down my fears on this courageous journey.  

You can watch today's video here.
