Monday, July 5, 2010

Real Simple Daily Thought

Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.
― John Lennon

Lonely Poem

A few years ago, I was participating in weekly young people events where we got together every Friday night and/or Sunday night.  At these events, someone would share their testimony, we would read from a book that someone felt had a lesson to be learned or would enspire us, we did a bible study on a certain subject and broke out in groups to discuss, we played bible games, or we were assigned a project.  In this case, it was to write a poem and then share it.  This was the poem I wrote.  I was reminded of it recently when trying to help someone deal with lonliness so I thought I would share it.


Lonely tho I feel
Lonely tho I be
Lonely tho I stay
I know you walk with me.

Lonely tho I wish I wasn’t
Alone still will I be
Unless I remember still to trust
You’ll always be with me.

March 2003 - MWG