Thursday, December 16, 2010

how to paint metal

Okay, my cousin is always giving these tutorials on how she does things, so I thought I would give you mine this time too! 

I had these metal bins that I wanted to paint, (see post here on the completed project) and so this is how I did it. No I didn't research the "right way to do it", I just did it my way.

1.  Empty out bins of objects and dust off inside & out.
2.  Create space in garage to be able to spray paint the project. Lay plastic and put items on plastic.

3.  Spray with a matte grey metal primer. 
4.  Let dry.
5.  Spray your desired finish color.
6.  Let dry.
7.  Touch up or spay 2nd layer of finished color depending on what look you are trying to achieve.
8.  Let air dry overnight.
9.  Bring back in and setup in place and put your junk stuff back in the bins!
10. Enjoy your completed project that took you 6 years to do!


Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

- Frank Outlaw