Sunday, June 11, 2017

poem ~ beyond your pain

If you could see
beyond your pain today 
I promise you would know 
that it was all working for your good 
and a wonderful life you would grow. 

If you could see
beyond your pain today 
and the hurtful words you said 
you'd feel it was such a petty thing 
to block a friend instead. 

If you could see 
beyond your pain today 
and look into the eyes 
of the person that loves you so 
it would only make you cry. 

If you could see 
beyond your pain today 
the options that you have 
you wouldn't react this way 
when true love is the answer key. 

If you could see 
beyond your pain today 
at the choices that you've made 
you see the benefits 
totally outweigh the pain. 

If you could see 
beyond your pain today 
and look at your blessings friend 
I know your perspective would change 
with the abundance that they show.

If you could see
beyond your pain today
and keep focused on the vision 
ahead of you and me
we'd not stay stuck in this funk anymore.

© Misty W Gilbert
#Poems #AuthorLife #MistyWGilbert #TheSassyVoice #BeyondYourPain #PainIsAGift #ThePowerOfChoice #Believe #Faith #Courage #Vision #FocusOnTheGoodThings