Saturday, May 20, 2017

poem ~ OolaGoals

To create your OolaLife
it must start with a healthy level of disgust, 
As you realize that you want
and deserve is much more than this.

This is the beginning
of creating a life lived in balance,
As you dare to live your dreams
and stop saying words I can't do it.

The choice to wake up
with your challenge before your eyes,
And determination to fight forward 
for the chance to change your life.

Don't get stuck on how to change
as you start with your why,
For you'll discover much more
when you simply get up and try.

Commit to do the work 
to have the life you really want, 
For it won't just happen on its own
if an OolaLife you wanna get.

If you have a dream for a better life
don't stay where you are,
Simply set a goal to achieve
and crush it by all means.

We all have have a choice 
in how we live each day,
But the benefits of seeking an OolaLife 
have repercussions beyond today. 

© Misty W Gilbert
#Poems #AuthorLife #MistyWGilbert #TheSassyVoice #OolaLife #Oola #OolaForWomen #OolaPoem #OolaGoals #CreateTheLifeYouWant #LiveIntentionally