Wednesday, June 30, 2010

wednesdays bible verse

Romans 12:12

be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

Rejoice in our confident hope.  be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.

rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer

2nd Quarter progress on 2010 Resolutions

...results on personal goals
#1 begin each day in prayer that God direct me in my path & integrity of my heart; remember Sunday is renew your spirit day, no business work stuff - doing
#2 create and implement Balance in all areas of the wheel of life (spiritual, physical, intellectual, family, social, career, and financial - each of these have goals within them) - in process of achieving this
#3 organize, cull, condense, minimize, sell or use up things in & around the casa - attack a section of a room each week for 30minutes - doing
#4 lead a quiet life, one that creates peace; remove anything that doesn't contribute to this - this is a process
#5 read 2 &/or listen to 2 audio books a month, at minimum - doing
#6 make a list of things that need to be fixed, completed, or started on my house with regards to repairs/maintenance improvements - get two done a month - still in progress to achieve this, have some months, haven't some months
#7 resume monthly piano lessons & establish a schedule for piano practicing - started & plan to resume at the moment
#8 health: commit to a workout schedule 3-4 times weekly; log into daily; resume diet with no wheat, sugar or tans fats; take all vitamins & supplements daily; get 8hrs or more of sleep - still trying to achieve this
#9 email my friends weekly - not done very well at 
      write my friend in prison once a month - done
      entertain company once a month - done
#10 pay off 2nd mortgage by the end of 2010 - on schedule so far

...results on business goals
#1 website - completed today (June 30th, 2010)
#2 create P&P Manual  - still in progress of creating
#3 review EntreLeadership materials quarterly - doing
#4 enroll in accounting courses - have not reached this or enrolled
#5 quarterly check in with EntreLeadership friends - doing
#6 help employer achieve financial goals - doing to the best of my ability for the areas I can control
#7 complete all back filing for employer - still in progress
#8 encourage positive thinking, support and morale - doing
#9 review & define motivation, delegation, responsibility, accountability, and authority in my position so that I have a clear picture in view to stay focused on what I expect of me - still in progress
#10 as a leader, I must be different - realizing this and attempting to do

Terry is on his way back Texas.  He left this morning sometime before 9am.  I have called him to check progress, the last time was about 2pm our time he was in Kingman having lunch with Uncle Truman. He is not sure if he will drive straight thru or stop at a motel later. He was very thankful for Uncle Truman giving him a tank of gas.  Please feel free to call him and check in.