Thursday, September 19, 2013

bible study: Confident Heart

I shared with you yesterday that God is giving me daily reminders about a lesson He wants me to learn.  You might have thought I was joking, but I am not.  The message have been in various ways and forms.  I wish I had posted Sunday's and Monday's and Tuesday's.  I have tried to find them, maybe they will show up again, but I didn't realize how they were going to continue daily.  

Here is today's message via email.  Could the header have been any bolder?  Any more pointed right at me?

The interesting thing is, besides that burning question at the top of the email, I have been looking for another Bible Study to do because I felt I need it.  This one is perfect because it is online which means I can do it in my travels and crazy schedule right between work and sleep...and it's on a topic that God knows I need.

Join me if you want!
 A Confident Heart Online Bible Study