Saturday, April 6, 2013

my 15 Lies buried at Buried Lies Cemetery in Utopia, TX

Photo: Entrance to the Buried Lies Cemetery...

April 2013

My most gracious and loving Lord, I write this to you to express my heart.  My desire is to serve you and you only.  My heart longs to learn more of your ways and your truth to understand Your Love for Me!  I want to Thank You for all the people who have been Johnny’s in my life [as illustrated in the movie, Seven Days in Utopia].  They have helped me along this journey to learn more of you, to fully trust you, and become who I am today.  May I continue to grow in your grace and knowledge.  May you give me wisdom to learn what is truth according to Your Word, not truth according to anyone else’s terms.  Help me to be continually grateful for all you have done for me and never lose sight of you!  As I work at growing to be the woman you want me to be, I want to take a step of faith and bury lies that I have been told, lies I have believed, lies that simply are not your truth.  This event to bury them is to help me move forward in serving you and you only!

The Lies I wish to Bury:
  • You require me to meet the criteria and approval of you and others to be accepted and loved.
  • The things that have happened in my life you were not a part of and were not according to your plan for my journey.
  • I am wrong to associate with Christian’s outside of The Group that don’t walk in the things I have been taught, dress according to ways I have been told are wrong, fellowship in a denomination or don’t believe as I believe on any topic.
  • Listening to “Secular Christian Music” is inappropriate and ungodly.
  • As a Woman it is wrong for me to study your word to learn what you want of me and not just accept what I have been told or “the men” tell me.
  • If I don’t do things just right you will no longer love me.  I must be perfect for you to love me.
  • I am not good enough.
  • As a Saved Sinner if I don’t do, say, or live the things The Group have taught, I have walked away from God.
  • I am a Woman out of control since I did the NASCAR Drive Experience and NASCAR Ride-Along Experience.
  • If other people disapprove of me that means that God does too.
  • I am too intense, too bold, and too aggressive.
  • No man will be interested in marrying me because of “my past”.
  • Working to support myself, including being self employed, and even making a good living means that I have a love of money and my focus is not in the right place.
  • I have not and do not honor my parents by leaving home at age 20 after years of abuse, hurt, pain, manipulation and control.
  • I am going to be just like my Mom.

A Princess of the King who wishes to be your servant,


Photo: My grave where I buried 15 lies at Buried Lies Cemetery in Utopia, TX on April 6, 2013 with Jennifer! Blog post coming in a few days...
buried lies engraving
"SFT" = See it Feel it Trust it