Dear Misty, I will always ♡ LOVE ♡ YOU!!!
You are my beautiful princess. I made you with a gorgeous beauty to share with the world. With lovely deep blue eyes that want to see everything from everyone else's perspective. A head of dark bouncy girls that make you a doll. You have amazing skin. Make sure you remember how beautiful you are!!!
You have a brave, courageous, generous, and loving spirit! Your passion and enthusiasm for life shows in everything you do. Make it a priority to nourish and cherish your soul...and you will blossom deeper into an even more beautiful rose.
I know you love me and have a covenant with me. Keep this focus in spite of your experiences and pain in life. Don't be afraid of or question the path I am taking you on. Be gentle, loving, respectful, loyal and kind. Stay connected to me in faith. Keep your positive spirit alive! Don't let anyone dim your light. I want you to sparkle!!!
Continue to create the life you want, living intentionally with and in gratitude and you will glow and experience the abundant blessing I have for you. You are destined to do great things!