How we do anything, is how we do everything.
This has impacted me at times when I get stuck in life.
When I do not know what the right answer is. When I do not know how to respond to someone. When I do not know when to take action and when to be patient. When I do not know if this should get more of my time or less. When I am ready to quit.
To stop and look at: What are my core beliefs? What are my core values? What to me is important? Being able to operate from a space of authenticity in alignment with who I am, what I say, how I live, and what I want keeps me congruent to those characteristics that define my decisions.
How you do work for a client that is not paying you a cent for your time and efforts, someone you would consider a charity client, should be done exactly the same way you do work for a paying client. Your work ethic needs to be supreme. You need to follow through on your promises. You need to give willingly. The only way to instill this is to do the same level of service no matter whether you are paid $0.00 an hour or $500.00 an hour. If you can't do the same level of work at minimum wage, you won't do it at maximum wage.
How you treat a client at the end of a contract that is ending abruptly, should be done in the same manner in which you treated the client when you were excited to begin working with them. Your respect for the time they were your client should not change just because you are walking away. Your attitude of kindness, warmth, and genuine appreciation for them should not change just because your working agreement has. This doesn't mean there won't be tension, issues to resolve or frustration. It means that through it you will do your best to remember why you wanted to work with them in the first place and if this was a mistake and you shouldn't have agreed to this, then you take it as a learning tool to grow.
If you believe the world needs more love, you have to show up with more love. In everything.
If you believe the world needs more women advocates, you have to show up as a woman and be a woman advocate. In everything.
If you believe the world needs more authenticity, you have to show up authentic. In everything.
If you believe the world needs more charity giving, you have to give more charity. In everything.
As one of my circle of influence leaders, Trent Shelton says, it all starts with you. How you live your inner world is reflected in your outer world. The choice is yours. How you do anything, is how you do everything.
#TheSassyVoice #YourChoicesMatter #ThePowerOfChoice #CreateTheLifeYouWant #LiveIntentionally