Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 11 Video Challenge

Each of us have experienced things that we have given a meaning and a definition to.  Those definitions create triggers, which create reactions.  Many times those reactions are negative and we form a negative belief system from these experiences.  As we work through processing what we want to keep and what we want to get rid of, we have to delete some files.  We have to trash the ugly stuff.  We have to attempt to reformat the hard drive.  We have to increase the positive belief system to overwrite the negative belief system.

Each of us have a belief system.  What tools are you using to create a new belief system for yourself?  I would love to learn from you and hear how you do this.  

You can listen to my thoughts on this in today's video here.

a {without shame} nugget from LiveBIG

I recounted my full LiveBIG experience to you.  All my notes.  All my thoughts.  How I took the things I was experiencing during the conference as lessons and challenges and learning tools.  As I continue to work through this information and develop my tools, I want to share with you some of the biggest nuggets I got out of the experience.

The second day of the LiveBIG Conference, Tony Litster (one of the LiveBIG Coaches) was speaking and sharing thoughts on how our triggers are based on emotions that dig you deeper into your fears.  Fears that make you want to hide.  Fears that make you want to escape.  How these unexamined patterns will run us.  He encouraged us to go to a place of self acceptance.  He told us we will need to examine without shame.

When he asked if there were questions, I asked:  "How do you examine without shame?"  You can read my full post of my encounter with Tony here as he worked with me individually and what that experience was for me and the incredible way he was able to dig into my soul and the message he had for me, a complete eye opener about me, something I never dreamed would have been a lie I was believing.

What I want to share with you is the powerful answer to my question that he left me with to ponder:

"Shame is I am bad.  It tells us that I am not worthy."  

Smack.  A kick in the gut.  

How do you examine without shame?  You have to change the negative belief system you have.  

The way to do this is to change your story.

The way to change your story is to write new stuff.

The way to write new stuff is to change your focus.

The way to change your focus is to look at the truth.

The way to look at the truth and create new patterns is to remind yourself frequently, put these messages everywhere to reinforce new automatic thoughts.

This is powerful.  Simple yet powerful.  The choice is yours!

May I encourage you to not look at yourself with shame?  Shame may be all you know.  But I promise you, its not the message God wants for you!  

May I encourage you to not look at yourself as not worthy?  Unworthy may be how you feel deep in your heart.  But I promise you, its not the message God wants for you!

May I encourage you to rewrite your story?  It may be the only story you know.  But I promise you, its not the story that God has for you.  He has a plan for your life and the story is not written the way you are reading it.

May I encourage you to change your focus?  Your current focus may be the only lens you are used to seeing out of, but I promise you, God has a new lens for you!

May I encourage you to face the lies with the truth?  You may not be able to differentiate between the lies and the truth, but I promise you, God will show you the truth if you seek Him and ask Him too.  Truth is louder than lies.

May I encourage you to develop new patterns of loving, positive, encouraging thoughts? Unloving, negative and discouraging thoughts may be all you know in your brain waves, but I promise you, God will show you loving, positive, and encouraging wave lengths if you want a new ingrained belief system.

This is a big task to do when you have as much intense crap as I do in my life from facing years of abuse, extreme negative feedback, complete shame based relationships, ingrained thought processes and concepts based on you are not good enough, unloving actions and accusations to discourage.   But I believe you can do it.  If you are as determined as I am, you can and you will!  And God will give you the strength to do it if you have faith and believe.

Rewrite your story.
Change your focus.
Find the truth.
Create new patterns.
Remind yourself.

Remember, LiveBIG friends!