In my anguish of spirit,
there are tears on my face.
The dark night drags on
as I toss until dawn.
Forces come against me,
wave upon wave.
I crash in the storm,
asking how many more days?
I am distressed,
what way should I take?
Days fly away,
with these enemies all in my face.
A bronze-tipped arrow
pierces deep in my heart.
Intense pain in the moment
as I gasp in the dark.
What strength do I have,
that I should still hope?
My purpose, my vision,
my plans as I seek to cope.
I no longer feel courage,
or any power to help myself.
Reality of this understanding
leaves me deeply discouraged.
Oh sometimes how painful,
are honest my words!
The testing, the pressure,
the process of refining pure gold.
Teach me and help me
in this moment to see,
In quiet confidence for
all that you are showing to me.
Help me to trust
and not settle for less
For all of this happening
to grow me beyond my best.
[a poem written on the inspiration of The book of Job]
© Misty W Gilbert
#Poems #AuthorLife #MistyWGilbert #CreateTheLifeThatYouWant #LiveIntentionally #PainTheGiftNobodyWants #PainInTheMoment