- the Mind of Christ vs the Mind of Other Things [I used my own words for the 2nd part of this one because I feel it fits and didn't get what was actually on the screen before the next slide]
- Righteousness vs Unrighteousness
- Sober Vigilance vs Sleeping & Complacent
- by Love Serve Others vs Opportunity for the Flesh
- Thoughts on Things Above vs Thoughts on Earthly Things
- Love the Father vs Love the World
- Based on Faith vs Based on Feelings
- Self Control vs Overzealous
- by Grace Alone vs by Our Efforts
- Sound Mind vs Spirit of Fear
[there were verses for each of these, but I think sometimes we think more, contemplate and concentrate on the actual message of them instead of where they are located and the actual wording of the verse when that is left out - to explain why I left this out]
-Bob Harrison
-Bob Harrison