Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wknd in Colorado...

to see the Baker Family...
For those that don't know, Connie Baker is my mom's younger sister. I have not seen them since I was 8years old. Ashley was a baby and I have not met nor seen Miranda or Blain.
After having seen the Jeans and Granpa & Granma...I felt I needed to soon go to see the Bakers. I made my plans in December for the middle of January. Suddenly the weekend was here!

I flew out Friday night, January 16th, at 08.20pm. I rushed home from work to leave my car in the garage, zip up the suitcase and go with Judy Lane to the airport. I arrived on time and proceeded thru security. This time, they would not let me on with the same items I took on my last trip over the Thanksgiving deodorant was .1 oz to large and my hair gel bottle too, though it was nearly empty they didn't give a rip. So instead of letting them throw my items in the trash and have to get more when I got arrived in Denver, I decided the $15 to check my bag was not worth the stress of trying to obtain them when I got there. ;) After I went back out front to check my bag and back thru security, I felt pressed for time and rushed to my gate. I hung around for a bit and then saw that they had posted the departure time for later and then my nerves decided to get worse. So I texted Dustin and told him I was nervous and of course he calmly told me not to stress about it and that I would have a good time! Such a pro he is at being calm. :) My plane left 30minutes late, so this gave me time to get a bite to eat at the airport and I went with chinese food, veggie bowl with meat on top. This was my first time ever to go to Colorado and also my first time at the Denver Airport. My American Airlines flight arrived in Denver, CO and I was greeted by Shawn, Connie and Ashley. It was dark, so I didn't get to see much scenery, but we visited on the drive home and they showed me different things as we drove thru the town. Upon arrival, we decided to eat some ice cream...and I also met Blain. Uncle Shawn insisted he give me a hug, which he did with reluctance. ;) Miranda was already in bed as she wasn't feeling very well. We sat around in the kitchen talking and stayed up until 2am my time!

The next day, I was up about 09.00am and we had breakfast shortly. Miranda felt bette so she came upstairs for breakfast. Breakfast was cinnamon rolls, grapefruit, and bacon. We spent most of the morning sitting around the breakfast table visiting and trying to catch up on events in each others lives over the last 23-24years. We then went for a walk down to the park not too far from their house. This is the picture Uncle Shawn took of us standing in their driveway before we took off.

The weather was much warmer than I had anticipated. I had checked earlier in the week when I started my packing and at that time it was int he 30's with the weekend temperatures anticipated at being in the low 50's but I think it was much warmer than that. So therefore, all the warm sweaters, tights, gloves, scarves and what not that I brought I didn't need one of them! Luckly, last minute I had thrown in my San Diego light sweatshirt or I donno what I would have done. The walk was really pretty thru a park with a view of mountains in view. I miss the mountains! We came back and ate lunch and visited some more throughout the afternoon. Aunt Connie would not let me help cook, so I felt like a loose end to some degree.

Saturday nights they have singing and a bible study with any that want come to their place and participate. We had to rush to finish our dinner in time for this event at 06.45pm. They never know who all might come and this night we only had Nathan (Miranda's boyfriend) and Deren. We sang in the front room that had the piano for about 25minutes or so. I knew all the songs, but the first two. Nathan sang a solo and played the guitar while he sang. It was a neat song about Friends. We then moved to the family room in the back of the house and Uncle Shawn shared some things from John 5, about the sick man by the pool, Isaiah, and Psalms. There were comments by some of us as Shawn asked for how we related to what he had read. We then spent the rest of the evening playing and having a blast at a game called Dutch Blitz that Deren had brought with him. I am not a big game person, especially since I live by myself and also because at home these times of games were usually a forced session of family time, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Ashley & Blain had played this game before, but it was new to both me and Uncle Shawn & Aunt Connie. Ashley and I pretty much stood the entire game. At first it was sort of a joke between us and we laughed about it with each other, but then we really felt like we could play better if we stood up to view our cards. I won the first round and Deren won the second. I texted Dustin thru the whole game to make him feel apart as he was sorry he was missing out on all the fun! Miranda called him and put him on speaker but I didn't get to talk to him too much because I was trying to stay focused on my game. Would have loved to have had him there...but maybe another time all us cousins can be togther.

.....this is a picture of us around the breakfast table playing Dutch Blitz

Nathan & Miranda visiting on the couch...they did not play the game with us. ;)

Oh, and yes, we were up up late again! :)

The next day, I was the last to get up...I was so dead! I think from the emotional workout and then also I was really just worn out from the last few weeks of working on year end at 1st Eye Care, plus my throat really hurt. I was awakened by my phone vibrating from Lacey wanting to know how my weekend was going and wishing she was there with Ashley, Miranda and I. We texted for about 30minutes and then I told her I must get up and not be lazy bones and waste the day away with them wondering what was wrong with me. They were already eating breakfast, and I joined them. We had tortilla eggs, hashbrowns and oranges. We then sat in the front room and looked at pictures of my house and a few other things so that they could picture me here in Texas. Then some of the girls they met came over as they were back in town and I got to meet Jasmine, Ellie and Ester. (Jasmine went with them to the California December Camp 2008).

Jasmine, Ellie, Ester

Time was running out fast and I felt I had not learned all I wanted to about them. We then had nachos for lunch before we rushed to leave for the airport.

the last day...a family photo

We didn't leave much time to sit and have a last minute visit at the airport as I needed to get my bag checked and have enough time to get thru security; even though Ashley wished they could come inside with me, we did our goodbyes at the curb and I promised I wouldn't cry in front of them...and I kept my word! ;) I made it to the gate just in time as they were beginning to call the groups to load the plane. Its hard to try to spend a quick weekend getting to know people and then leave again when you feel like there is so much you don't know and you just have begun to connect...but this is life. I really did have a good time and I am thankful for the opportunity to have gone to see them in their home and share with them in their faith and belief in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ashley & last hug...

Aunt Connie, Me & Uncle Shawn

until next time, goodbye my friends & family...
Martha picked me up at the airport and we stopped and had dinner at Cheddars. I got home about 10.30pm and checked a few emails and crashed.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps

If you want to get out of debt, you have to have a plan that you will do one step at a time. Here is the one designed by Dave Ramsey called the Seven Baby Steps:

1 ~ $1000 Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is for those unexpected events in life that you can’t plan for: the loss of a job, an unexpected pregnancy, a faulty car transmission, and the list goes on and on. It’s not a matter of if these events will happen; it’s simply a matter of when they will happen.  This beginning emergency fund will keep life’s little Murphies from turning into new debt while you work off the old debt. If a real emergency happens, you can handle it with your emergency fund. No more borrowing. It’s time to break the cycle of debt!

2 ~ Pay off All debt using the Debt Snowball
List your debts, excluding the house, in order. The smallest balance should be your number one priority. Don’t worry about interest rates unless two debts have similar payoffs. If that’s the case, then list the higher interest rate debt first.  The point of the debt snowball is simply this: You need some quick wins in order to stay pumped up about getting out of debt! Paying off debt is not always about math. It’s about motivation. Personal finance is 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior. When you start knocking off the easier debts, you will see results and you will stay motivated to dump your debt.

3 ~ 3to6 months of Expenses in Savings
Once you complete the first two baby steps, you will have built serious momentum. But don’t start throwing all your “extra” money into investments quite yet. It’s time to build your full emergency fund.   Use this money for emergencies only: incidents that would have a major impact on you and your family. Keep these savings in a money market account. Remember, this stash of money is not an investment; it is insurance you’re paying to yourself, a buffer between you and life.

4 ~ Invest 15% of income
When you reach this step, you’ll have no payments—except the house—and a fully funded emergency fund. Now it’s time to get serious about building wealth.   Dave suggests investing 15% of your household income into Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement plans. Don’t invest more than that because the extra money will help you complete the next two steps: college savings and paying off your home early.  Why shouldn’t you invest less than 15%? Some people choose to invest a small amount, if anything, because they want to get a child through school or pay off the home in a hurry. But the kids’ degrees won’t feed you at retirement, and if you throw all your money into your mortgage at this point, you’ll end up having to sell the house and buy the book 72 Ways to Prepare Alpo and Love It. Bad plan.

5 ~ College Funding for children
By this point, you should have already started Baby Step 4—investing 15% of your income—before saving for college. Whether you are saving for you or your child to go to college, you need to start now.  In order to have enough money saved for college, you need to have a goal. Determine how much per month you should be saving at 12% interest in order to have enough for college. If you save at 12% and inflation is at 4%, then you are moving ahead of inflation at a net of 8% per year!

Never save for college using:
Savings bonds (only 5-6% growth)
Zero-coupon bonds. (only 6-8% growth)
Pre-paid college tuition (only 7% inflation rate)
The best way to save for college is with Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) and 529 plans. Remember, college is possible without loans!

6 ~ Pay the Home off early
Now it’s time to begin chunking all of your extra money toward the mortgage. You are getting closer to realizing the dream of a life with no house payments.   As you attack this last debt, you will gain momentum much like you did back in the second step of the debt snowball. Remember, having absolutely no payments is totally within your reach!

7 ~ Build Wealth & Give
It’s time to build wealth and give like never before. Leave an inheritance for future generations, and bless others now with your excess. It's really the only way to live!  Golda Meir says, “You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist.” Vow to never hold your money so tightly that you never give any away. Hoarding money is not the way to wealth. Save for yourself, save for your family’s future, and be gracious enough to bless others. You can do all three at the same time.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

FPU w/Dave Ramsey

I begin Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey today. I am taking the class in Arlington on Sundays at 4pm. It is a 13week program in which we will cover all aspects of money and we will have homework assignments. I am to get someone to be accountable to as I work thru the class, since I am not married, and have asked Brad H. for his support. I wanted it to be somone who I don't consider to be a peer (for obvious reasons since we are talking about my income, etc), someone who has handled money well, and someone who is not emotionally attached to me (like the other mentors and mother/father like figures in my life). The last day of my class will be Sunday, April 5th, 2009. Wish me well in my endeavorment to learn more and stay motivated to get rid of my debt!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Goals & Resolutions

I am subscriber to Glenn Shepard's weekly emails on Tuesdays, "Work is not for Sissies!" and I have his book "How to be the Employee Your Company Can't Live Without" that I also gave to each of my coworkers at both jobs at the end of last year. This year he asked us to write in our 2009 goals and resolutions and he would check with us 4 times throughout the year to see what our progress is. Here is what I submitted:

1. Get out of debt
2. Organize, cull, declutter, condense, minimize, etc my things in/around/at the casa
3. Exercise routine that works with my schedule
4. Work at simplifying schedule with greater efficiency at time management
5. Learn that I do not have to be "super woman"