Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Uncle Gordy

...has passed away.  And as always, it is one of those times that you think about the person and their life here on earth. 

For those of you who have known Uncle Gordy, you have been blessed!  He touched so many lives!  Some have no doubt had a closer relationship, more time spent together, more ways of interacting then I did with him...but nonetheless, he is one who will be known forever as an encourager and with a sincere desire to be of help. 

He married my parents and we lived in his assembly for many years in San Luis Obispo.  I do not have recollection of times together as a child.  But the one thing I will never forget is a marriage he performed here in Texas and he said two the most important letters in the alphabet are "U" and "I".  He linked it to God and a husband & wife team you can't have the one without the other, it takes "you & I".  I don't do his thoughts justice today...but at the time he presented this thought, it spoke volumes to me...and it still does.  I bought the letters in a silver metal from Pottey Barn on eBay years ago and hope someday to have just the right spot for them in my house, whether I am ever married or not.  My life is lived with God, it will always be "you and I"!

1 comment:

  1. I had the privilege of seeing him over the Turkey day weekend. We were at Ron and Sue's and Aunt Betty called over and asked if someone could go to the store for them as they needed a couple of things. I volunteered because I really wanted to see Uncle Gordy and Aunt Betty. He told me that day that he was ready to go. He still had his funny, dry sense of humor. Aunt Betty was in good spirits even though she knew some sadness was right around the corner. I got to tell him my own private last goodbye. It was really special. I have no regrets that he didn't know how special he was. He always made me feel special too. Anyway, I'll quit rambling now.
