Sunday, May 25, 2014

two month break from blogging

I took a two month break from blogging.  Was it intentional or unintentional?  In many ways, it was both.

After I returned from my 2nd LiveBIG Conference the end of March 2014, I was overwhelmed with the developments from that event, the work I did during that time frame and I felt a need for quiet.  Deep quiet.  I decided to take a few weeks break from blogging.  I felt the time needed to be spent in doing my coaching, working through the questions that had developed in my heart and mind, focus on addressing some issues with clients and my business at a time when I had let habits become patterns and boundaries needed to be put back into place, make space for opening myself up to the online dating scene, and quiet my world that became hectic and chaotic.  

In order to just survive, I eliminated anything and everything that could go.  This meant blogging was not one of these things and could not continue to not happen.

I know some of you missed me.  You reached out to make sure I was okay.  You understood when I simply explained I couldn't at that time.

Do I feel taking this break from blogging was the best thing for me?  Yes and no. I feel the time away was good because it forced me to realize that some things in life are not that important.  However, writing is very therapeutic for me.  I find it something I enjoy and a way to connect with the world and encourage and inspire you.  I find the deep therapy of writing something that I need desperately.  I believe that if I had continued it during this two month spell it would have helped me dramatically with some of the issues I have been experiencing and working through instead of me just shutting down completely in order to survive.  However, God knows this too and I believe that the break was used to have me understand myself to a degree that needed to happen as I move onward to a new level in my courageous journey and growth process.

I must be honest and tell you that part of one of the reasons I couldn't write and share with you during this time frame was I wasn't able to form all my own thoughts.  For the thoughts I could formulate, I simply wasn't wanting to let everyone into them for many various reasons.  So between this mix, a break from the blog is what transpired. 

It is my goal to catch up my blogging with some posts that need to happen to bridge the gap and then resume my blogging routine.  

I pray that I may continue to impact your world as God would have me to to love, support and encourage you.  This is my daily goal as I live life and I want to pursue that with even more purpose. 

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